Thymus vulgaris has been widely used in the ancient times for culinary and medical purposes as it greatly helped women giving sprigs of thyme to brave knights facing death in the battle field.
Initially, thyme was added in a solution used for embalming in the ancient Egypt times while ancient Greece period used it for incense in temples that is commonly mixed in a waterbath. But the romans used thyme as flavoring for cheese and alcoholic beverage. This was written in a study in 1931 by Maud Grieve who was a Fellow of the Royal Horticultural Society with an encyclopedic knowledge of medicinal plants, as reported in the Medical News Today
But thyme was so special that researchers from Georgetown University Medical Center even mentioned that Hippocrates, “the father of Western medicine”, himself have testified that the hern has many therapeutic uses in curing respiratory illnesses and conditions.
Health Benefits of Thyme Tea
Thyme tea recipe and its amazing health benefits will be discussed in this section of the article. One of compounds that made thyme tea effective is the compound thymol that belongs to a naturally-occuring class called “biocides” that can effectively destroy harmful organisms in the body.
The Health Line mentioned about nine health benefits of thyme tea, and some will be discussed in detail.
Lowers Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Levels
First, it effectively reduces the risk of high blood pressure and further lowers the cholesterol in the body. Experts advise that the best way to help thyme lower the heart rate is use it as a salt substitute in the foods you take.

Thyme tea can easily be prepared using fresh or dried leaves by allowing it to boil for about 10 to 15 minutes and can be taken several times in a day. (Photo Credits)
Relieves Cough and Colds
Second, thyme can stop cough and colds. The best way on how to make fresh thyme tea for cough and cold relief is with the use of thyme essential oil that is extracted from the leaves. Many people have testified that drinking thyme tea is best if you have symptoms of cough and to alleviate signs of acute bronchitis.
And third, it has been known to boost immunity because it contains a lot of vitamins that the body needs every day. It contains tons loads of vitamin C and vitamin A that can fight off germs and viruses. Furthermore, it contains important minerals such as copper, fiber, iron and manganese.
One of the best characteristics of thyme is its good aroma that has therapeutic uses. It contains an active substance known as carvacrol that affects the activity of the neurons wherein it gives the positive feeling and mood of the person.
The Live Strong knows that people keep asking, “where can i buy wild thyme tea bags?” Thyme tea bags are easily available in health stores where other herbal teas are being sold. The tea bag can be dipped onto hot water and taken after a few minutes of soaking.
Related Topics on Thyme Leaf Tea:
- Slow Down Aging with Organic Thyme Tea Recipe
- Relieve Indigestion and Heartburn with Thyme Leaf Tea
How to Make Thyme Tea Using Fresh or Dried Thyme
Caption: Thyme tea can easily be prepared using fresh or dried leaves by allowing it to boil for about 10 to 15 minutes and can be taken several times in a day.
The post Thyme: The Ancient Herb that Makes the Best Herbal Tea appeared first on Thyme Tea.
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